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Our Projects

In 2024, Passion for Africa will continue its work with lawful African immigrants in the US, especially in the Wake County, NC area.  We are expanding our resource network to better serve these families. 


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we launched a desk drive in March to finish providing desks for the more than 1200 students of the Bulungidi School, and also raised funds to complete desperately needed repairs to the school and church buildings.  Both projects are complete and were successful!


Passion also funded books for recent graduates of the Kikimi Institut Biblique and for high school students at Bulungidi School.  Again, both projects have been completed successfully!


Upcoming projects include a drive for school supplies (which must be purchased in the Congo, so please don't save your pencils!) and book purchases for elementary students at the Bulungidi School.  Did you know some villages in the Congo do not have access to a single book, not even in their schools? 



Many students had to sit on the ground


Every student at the Bulungidi School in the Congo has a desk!

Desk Drive

Our desk drive was a stellar success - all the desk needs of the Bulungidi School in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were met!





     Facility Repair

Passion for Africa raised $3480 to make repairs to facilities in the Congo at the Bulungidi School and church campus.  This money was used for concrete, paint, new doors, and similar to make repairs .

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